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On the Subject of Regretting the Mockeries of Co-Workers
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 by scott

Back to the guest cartooner of the previous post: Anonymously Mocking Co-Workers. He has decided to revise that post heavily, including better graphics, less "curse words", and a more complex plot.

Huzzah for those things, and I applaud the effort! With more ado, I will present the cartoon!

I did forget to mention that in the last cartoon the car looked like a tow-truck, and the man looked at his watch instead of the giant clock. You can see our fine, upstanding cartooner has practically read my mind and provided remedy to those things.

As usual, click on the cartoon to enlarge it.


Man: "Aaah, I don't feel good. Hmmm, Maybe I should lose some water."

Boss: "You can leave now, but I will charge you a half day."

Man: "Looks at giant clock. No way, I will tough it out."

...5 minutes later the man is driving...

Man: "I'm out of here. Darn I'm hungry!"

Man goes to Dominos to get a 2 for Tuesday special...

Man: "Yum."

Man drives to the beach where there is a Beach Hut Snack...

Man: "Hey Dan."

Dan: Has 2 large-breasted women on his arms. Presumably he slaps his hand in a comical pendular fashion.
(7 to 32)
  More Commentary
  I also wanted to add that this cartooner had cleaned up his previous toon by replacing "Ahhh, I'm a fat fuck" with "I need to lose some water". Which makes less sense, but I suppose is less offensive. And that was the idea behind the change.

He still drew the guy like a fat fuck though, so it's not really any more polite.
  Thursday, May 10, 2007 by scott
  not funny
  Saturday, January 31, 2009 by shelley the Unclever Bitch
  People studing mental illness can learn a lot from a subject like you.

For humour...even "Friends" is funnier than this web-site.
  Monday, May 04, 2009 by Dr Seuss
  This is dog shit
  If this is the most popular/liked thing you have on your site I can't imagine why anyone would waste their time looking at anything else. You're not funny. It's not a crime or anything - a lot of people aren't funny. Those people do other things with their lives, and some of them even do great things. Unfortunately, you have not chosen to do great things with your life, you have chosen to put even more dog shit on the internet.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Hank
  Get out of my dreams and into my cartoons, but these aren't them.
  What part of "guest cartooner" don't you idiots understand?
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by scott
  damn i feel bad for you man...
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by poopsmcgee

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