Update: It appears that Mr. Thorne has finally realized the folly of his ways and he has removed all evidence of his ruse against me from his website. It was indeed unwise to make all of his readers aware of his terrible tricks! He even had the gall to publish a false email from me to him asking him to remove the links! Well, I have
saved a screenshot of his nonsense for you to peruse. It is clear that I have won the argument, and am vindicated.
Update II: He's added back a link to his "original" mockery of me. I say "original" with quotes because he has removed "Mintred" from it (along with some of his less clever writing) in an obvious ploy to prevent his
family and friends fans from Googling my site. Again, I can hardly blame him. Oh, and the
email from "me" to him at the bottom of his current page? It's dated almost a month prior to my even visiting his site (
see here). Thanks for helping to prove my points!
Update III (can't resist): He fixed the date on the fake email, but he's neglected to realize that it's
still retarded. He claims he updated his site with the email on the day before he claims to have received the email.
For those readers of mine that do not regularly patronize Mr. Thorne's site, let me alert you to his latest fakery: http://www.27bslash6.com/scott_mintred.html. He published this concoction after my previous article, so of course I was caught unawares.
I had considered this matter closed. My powerhouse journalism of powerhouse proportions (I know at least one reader whom loves the word "powerhouse", so I will try to work it in as best as possible) clearly upset some of Mr. Thorne's
friends and family international fans, as seen in the
comments of my last article.
I say to those readers that it's OK with me that you are upset. Your hero was not all you thought he was, and so you come here as if it's somehow my fault for merely exposing the truth!
For example, Alexis from France asks, "
I was just wondering if you asked David's permission before posting a private email conversation on your website."
No Alexis, I did not ask for his permission. I also don't like you questioning my powerhouse journalistic methods! Would you get angry at Stone Philips for broadcasting a conversation he'd had with some jailhouse snitch? (Stone Philips is some kind of shitty reporter here, in case you do not receive him in France).
Urov from His Own Ass joins in with another commenter, "
I notice that as well. All girls on computer screens very nice except one on black computer screen with really big fat bottom of disgusting pig."
Yes, well done. Did you not understand any part of my articles because the words were too big?
The image was faked, as was everything on Mr. Thorne's site. Please direct any complaints about the images to
David Thorne himself.
Someone Too Scared of Being Investigated by My Masterful Journalism to Leave Their Name: "
surely you must be getting embarrassed by now?"
Why would I be embarrassed by supporters of David mocking me? You are hardly the most objective group, and as I said, your being upset is quite understandable. I feel for you, I really and hardily do.
And yes, my web logs collect IP addresses. Web servers have been able to do this since 1994. I do not know why it continues to surprise everyone, though I can take a few guesses.
Now that all of your concerns are addressed and you are all mollified, let me tell you something that may shock you:
I found David's website to be quite humorous! In fact I have emailed him to tell him so!
I was even so obsessed with finding out more about him and his fascinating life that I hacked into his computer using one of my 30-odd "mainframes" to further investigate his character. Most of you are probably thinking something along the lines of "derrr, I didn't tink hee could due dat?". I most certainly can and did "due dat".
Here is some proof:

Any computer expert will tell you that
I have obviously hacked into his computer.
Of course a man's computer (in this case a
purple iMac) is filled with all sorts of things too numerous to list here. My most interesting find was a collection of mock-ups for his now-infamous website,
27bslash6.com. I present two of them now, for your benefit
and you may click on them to enlarge
and read the full text of his genius!
The first one is a bit raw, and surely does not fully represent the edge in today's design of 27b/6. The file was dated
September 05, 2006, so keep in mind that it is a very early design attempt. It is also perhaps too Lucius-friendly for the comfort of you, his readers:
The second one is closer to what we see now on Mr. Thorne's site, and we can see that his mind was at work already on the spider ruse. His article titles could also use some polishing, but this file was dated
April 24, 2007, and you can see how far he came in only 7 months:
I am glad to have helped enlighten David's fan base. As I said, I am a fan of his writing as well, so surely you would appreciate this information coming from "one of your own".
As for the Man Whom Wants $40 to Replace his Keyboard:
Absurd! What kind of keyboard are you foolishly using? Is it made of bronze, or are you quoting the price in some currency you made up? If you are simply trying to extort money from me, then you can go to hell. If, however, you feel that your complaint is valid, then feel free to email me so that we may discuss it.